Adventure awaits you on the NT

Get Involved

At the heart of the National Trail story is the volunteer spirit! The National Trail is a reality because of volunteers … people just like you who care enough about the Trail to devote time, money and energy to its maintenance and development. Without that spirit, the National Trail quite simply would not exist.

Much of our work is rarely noticed by the casual traveller. Yet the result, more than 5,000 kilometres of continuously marked track, is clear.

The ongoing development of the National Trail is coordinated by a non-profit community organisation. Income for developing and managing the Trail comes through memberships, donations and publication sales.

You can help by becoming a member, making a donation, volunteering your time or services, or by encouraging your friends to join.

As a National Trail member you can

  • purchase Guidebooks and Maps
  • receive discounts on maps, and other publications
  • obtain free Travelling Stock Reserve (TSR) permits for travel in NSW.
  • access a network of local section coordinators for local trail knowledge
  • vote at the AGM
  • obtain up to date information of the Trail
  • be eligible to serve on the National Trail Board of Directors
  • receive regular email communication from the Board

Become a Member

Types of membership
  • Individual Membership – is the most common type of membership for individual people.
  • Family Membership – is available for one adult and their partner and children of the family under 18 years of age.
  • Club/Organisation Membership – is available for clubs and organisations.
Membership application

Click to join or renew

Section Coordinators

Section Coordinators are the heart of the National Trail! They are volunteers who give time and energy freely to support the development of the Trail. They have a wealth of knowledge of local conditions. We occasionally have need for new section coordinators – let us know if you are interested in finding out more.

Trail Marking

Marking the National Trail is an ongoing task. Section Coordinators, experienced trail users and clubs can assist by locating or replacing trail markers according to the National Trail Marking Policy. Email the National Trail Office at  for details.

Trail Clearing

At times, the route becomes overgrown. Section Coordinators, experienced trail users and clubs can assist by organising working bees to clear and maintain the route.

Contact Us

If you want to talk with us, see the details on our Contact page.

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