General Principles for All Trekkers
Read and research as much as you can before you go. This website, the National Trail Maps and our Facebook page are good places to start.
Both physical and emotional fitness will be challenged. Prepare yourself as best you can.
Pack light – and make everything earn its place
Many people over pack and find they discard non-essential items along the way. On a distance trek every gram counts! Plan your equipment and dietary needs carefully.
Have a Test Run
Try a couple of shorter trips before you go. That way you know you have everything you need and nothing you don’t need.
Be Prepared for the Unexpected
As much as possible, plan for all eventualities. Fire, flood and drought are all factors you need to consider. Communications and emergencies need some planning. We recommend you take out your own insurance.
Trekking Code
A Trekking Code has been developed for Trail users.
Register Your Trek
Register your trek with the National Trail office. An online form is at the foot of this page. Click for the Trekker Registration form .