Trekker Form Test test page “TRF and TSR” Forms are to be submitted between 4 weeks and one week of commencing your trek. Before going on a trek on the National Trail, please let us know your intentions with the form below: Trekker Registration Form Your Details First Name: Last Name: Your email: Your Phone: Emergency Contact Emergency contact: Emergency number: Emergency email: Travel details Proposed start date: Expected days on trail: Direction of Travel: North-SouthSouth-North Mode of travel: On footBicycleRidingPack animalsDonkey CamelOther Number of animals: Type of animals: Start point: —Please choose an option—Section 1Section 2Section 3Section 4Section 5Section 6Section 7Section 8Section 9Section 10Section 11Section 12 Map: Departure Town: Finish point: —Please choose an option—Section 1Section 2Section 3Section 4Section 5Section 6Section 7Section 8Section 9Section 10Section 11Section 12 Map: Finish Town: Are you trekking in a Group:NoYes If so, how many: Names and approx ages of group members: Are all members in your trekking group current members:YesNo Are you carrying guidebooks, maps: YesNo Will you carry a locator beacon or spot tracking device:YesNo Will you abide by the Trekking Code:Yes Have you contacted the Section Coordinator/s for the section/s you are trekking:YesNo Any other comments: Δ